My Wonderful Coworkers.....

Published on September 13 2005

...gave me an early birthday present last night. Seeing that I would be on vacation this weekend for the Fall Ride , they figured I need a new outfit to wear in the parade. Yep, they think I should squeeze the almost-45-year-old-fanny into this little number. And ride through town. On my Harley. In front of everyone I know. Tassel1 Yes, I know it's hard to see over the black Tshirt, but yes, that *is* a leather bikini ( well, Vinyl) top...with tassels for when I get bored, I guess......Pat informed me that he once saw a TV show with a woman whose talent was twirling her tassels different directions at the same time. "Maybe you could learn to do that trick." Uh, no. (I'm wondering *what* TV station he could have been watching!!) tassel2 Cute, eh? The real thrill came when I examined the little pocket on the thong bottom.....surprise Looks like I'm going to have a lot more fun this weekend than *I* thought!!!! Damn, I love my crew. Why do I have the feeling that I am going to be seeing these photos on the bulletin board when I get back to work?

Written by admin

Published on #Family&038;Friends, #Photos, #Pics and Babbling

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