Published on October 9 2012
Published on July 15 2008
Wow. When I disappear from the blog, I really disappear, eh? I just have to plead "busy". When I haven't been working or slaving over essay questions, I've been... well.... digging holes in my yard. Photos will follow. In the meantime, I've finally finished...
Published on June 30 2008
I've been playing in mud puddles. And giving rocks a new home. I also loooove the sound of water running, so I added a little of that as well. So. Whaddya think?
Published on June 7 2008
Published on June 3 2008
I'm still, two days later, trying to get my right wrist to once again straighten out completely! Too much time on the throttle combined with early arthritis, I suppose. Good thing I am so severely left-handed, lol. My best pictures are up on the flickr...
Published on June 1 2008
...sunburnt and tired. 3234 miles in ten days. The photo feed is here and the photoset page is here. There will be much much more over the next few days. Right now, it's time to wash off road grime and veg, because this is all I can see right about now........
Published on May 22 2008
View Larger Map Stupid Google maps is not behaving, so I'm only getting *part* of the route, and then it completely disappears when I zoom in on it. It's pretty easy, though. Just go East until you hit ocean. Then eat lobster. *Lots* of lobster. Escanaba...
Published on May 7 2008
Sissybar removal and bag support addition, which requires taillight relocation as well. Rewiring taillights is....interesting, to say the least. Look out Ontario, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, New York, and Michigan. The (3200 mile) IronButt Rally of...
Published on April 23 2008
How some people golf...... How *I* golf..... I'm still not sure if I hit the stupid ball....
Published on April 4 2008
No, not *that* kind of Turkey Day. Up until 5 or 6 years ago, I had never seen a wild turkey. I won't ever forget the first "herd" I saw, about 30 in a single flock alongside Hwy. 29 a half-dozen years ago. I recall spotting large dark "things" in the...