Published on December 31 2006
Happy New Year, everyone... may your next year be better than your last. As for me....thank God 2006 is over, lol. And I'm outta here. Time to go to work.
I'm just here looking for my keys.
Published on December 31 2006
Happy New Year, everyone... may your next year be better than your last. As for me....thank God 2006 is over, lol. And I'm outta here. Time to go to work.
Published on December 31 2006
Uh, oh. The three scariest words in the world for somebody who can no longer run since knee surgery are "Tag. You're it". Old buddy Bill from InstaPinch surely picked a [insert favorite naval aviator terminology for extremely slow moving target here]...
Published on December 30 2006
Watching President Ford's arrival at the Capitol over the internet tonight--thank god for CSpan, since I don't get to watch much tv.... so strange to see all of those people from the 70's again. Kissinger, and all the rest. All of those people who were...
Published on December 30 2006
The video of the hanging is all over the internet, and was all over CNN this morning. All of the TV stations were of course careful to end the video before the actual hanging, thankfully. It's not exactly an image I want to have anyway. But it did make...
Published on December 29 2006
Published on December 29 2006
Midterm in progress. Wish me luck, lol. [Update two hours later] My head is spinning. Three essays and a bunch of multiple choice questions....and I got one MC question wrong, so no perfect score for me! :-(( And the essays? Not a clue how I did. I can't...
Published on December 28 2006
I have just read an "essay" that leaves my mouth hanging open. And my stomach trying not to heave. How the H-E-double-hockey-sticks does this woman keep getting another minute or two of fame? Banana Republics: In Search of Peace with Cindy Sheehan First...
Published on December 28 2006
and as usual, he's hilarious. I loved his take on the next Pres election. Bolding mine. James Lileks American politics were in that blessed period between elections, but jockeying continued for the presidential spot in both parties. Hillary Clinton made...
Published on December 27 2006
I wrote about this the other day. I spent a little while checking out the company I had ordered from last night--and I was just horrified at the things I read. People who ordered from this company getting cameras with Japanese menus (I don't read that...
Published on December 26 2006
Me and my gangsta daughters on Christmas Day..... One day, sometime in the future, I will get a photo of the three of us in which we all look good. No gangsta signs, no crossed eyes, no CLOSED eyes, no drool.... I swear, if I have to pay for it I will...