Top posts

  • hmmmmm.....

    15 August 2005 ( #democrats, #meme, #School )

    You scored as New Democrat. New Democrats emphasize fiscal conservatism, and have a strong preference for the free market. They believe in small-scale programs that provide targetted help to those in need, while working with the business community. New...

  • Up"coming" Event!

    20 December 2007 ( #humor, #Pics and Babbling ) - World Orgasm Day to Promote Peace in War-Torn Countries Oui! Si! Da! Ja! Yes! Any way you scream it, one group hopes you'll be having an orgasm in the name of world peace this Friday at 6:08 GMT. At the exact moment of the winter solstice,...

  • This book wasn't on my reading list...hmmmmm

    22 June 2008 ( #America, #Pics and Babbling )

    Barack Obama aide: Why Winnie the Pooh should shape US foreign policy Richard Danzig, who served as Navy Secretary under President Clinton and is tipped to become National Security Adviser in an Obama White House, told a major foreign policy conference...

  • Let's see...16,500 divided by 125 is....

    09 June 2008 ( #humor, #Pics and Babbling )

    16,500 Condoms Delivered to Antarctica Research Base : Environmental News Blog | Environmental Graffiti Last month, researchers in Antarctica received about 16,500 condoms, which are being made available for free to avoid any uncomfortable situations....

  • Yeah. Loyalty.

    13 April 2008 ( #Current Affairs, #Pics and Babbling )

    Compare this to the sniping we're seeing on the other side, to the zero-sum games, to the oh-my-god-you-don't-like-Hillary-what's-wrong-with-you, to the Obama-as-Messiah. I'm not the biggest fan of John McCain's policies. But I think I could respect him....

  • Okay, I need this camera

    06 April 2008 ( #Photography, #Pics and Babbling )

    Okay. All together now. Drooooooooool. A $1,000 semipro camera will get you 3 shots a second. But this Casio can snap — are you ready for this? — 60 photos a second. These are not movies; these are full six-megapixel photographs, each with enough resolution...

  • Welcome to Wisconsin, boys!

    13 January 2008 ( #'Sconsin stuff, #Pics and Babbling )

    Giants hold on as Romo, Cowboys crumble - Yahoo! News IRVING, Texas - Tony Romo can go wherever he wants with Jessica Simpson now. Eli Manning and the New York Giants knocked him and the Dallas Cowboys into the offseason Sunday. Manning is heading to...

  • omg

    07 March 2008 ( #Pics and Babbling, #School )

    Checking in [again] on the just-finished class to see if grades are in, I find this on the front page/ announcements section: The best term paper this term, and perhaps the best I have ever gotten for MH 403, was by [yours truly] on American domestic...

  • My bad....

    05 December 2007 ( #Current Affairs, #Home Improvement )

    Gore help me. I'm gonna need waaaaay more carbon offsets. The Associated Press: Ecologists Study Efficiency of Divorce WASHINGTON AP — Divorce can be bad for the environment. In countries around the world divorce rates have been rising, and each time...

  • i *am* a goddess

    25 September 2007 ( #Pics and Babbling, #wordpress )

    Somehow, I managed to get the WP install upgraded on the first try. And no tears, hair-pulling or teeth-gnashing. I even managed to get my delicious links working again-- well, fingers crossed. They work now, but in five minutes that may change. Maybe...

  • Shiver Me Timbers

    02 January 2008 ( #Pics and Babbling, #wisconsin )

    Mad will be happy to know that Winter has finally arrived in south Georgia. The low tonight is 18 degrees. That's RAW 18 degrees without wind chill calculated in. Now for those of you not familiar with what 18 degrees does to the southern states, by comparison...

  • I wanna be a researcher when I grow up

    31 July 2007 ( #idiots, #Pics and Babbling )

    ..... so that I can do studies like this one. How *do* people get jobs like this, anyway? 237 reasons we have sex WASHINGTON - After exhaustively compiling a list of the 237 reasons why people have sex, researchers found that young men and women get intimate...

  • pencils are sharpened...

    06 August 2007 ( #Pics and Babbling, #School )

    ...and I even found my reading glasses! To heck with being a sex researcher, I'm gonna be an International Lawyer, lol!! Another "semester" begins, as does the feeling of being out of my depth. It's great. SS303 International Law introduces students to...

  • Personality (or lack thereof)

    26 July 2007 ( #horoscope, #Pics and Babbling )

    We've all heard of the Myers-Briggs Personality Test. It's a good bet that at one time or another, most of us have taken it. Personally, I think any test that claims to be able to classify my personality into one of 16 types in 50 questions is just a...

  • One more down...

    29 June 2007 ( #Pics and Babbling, #School ), let's see. 73 credits down. 47 to go. FORTY-SEVEN????!!!! That's THREE MORE YEARS. Dear lord. Now I almost wish I hadn't counted. But then again, in three years I'll be age [bleep] WITH the degree instead of age [bleep] WITHOUT...

  • The STrib blows it. Badly. [updated]

    07 May 2007 ( #America, #Pics and Babbling )

    LILEKS James :: The Bleat As it happens, they've killed my column, and assigned me to write straight local news stories. Really. My column will end a week from this Friday. (There’s a series of pieces I can’t wait to write.) After that, it's just-the-facts-ma'am...

  • Weekly Horrorscope

    12 August 2007 ( #horoscope, #Pics and Babbling )

    Looks like another long boring week of soul-searching for me. I think I need a vacation. This week August 13 through August 19 Libra There's nothing wrong with wanting more out of life than you have, but you achieved your heart's desire and one of your...

  • Flames

    05 July 2007 ( #'Sconsin stuff, #Home Improvement )

    My house caught fire this morning. What a fun vacation this is turning out to be. Sitting on the hood of a pickup truck down the street, watching firetrucks and firemen in SCBA, dragging hoses into my house, all I could think was "I am so blogging this"!!...

  • The Boss does it again

    01 October 2007 ( #music, #Musical )

    I've been listening to the new album since last night, when it first was available for download. Go here for samples. Even better, go buy the thing--it's his best since 2002,and very possibly one of his best ever. I mean that, and I've been a fan since...

  • Quote of the Day......

    01 May 2007 ( #jokes, #Pics and Babbling )

    ..... or, How I Learned Way More About Duck Anatomy Than I Ever Wanted To Know.... In Ducks, War of the Sexes Plays Out in the Evolution of Genitalia - New York Times “Basically, you get a bigger phallus to put your sperm in farther than the other males.”...

  • Sorta Weekly Horrorscope

    02 July 2007 ( #change, #Pics and Babbling )

    This week July 2 through July 8 Libra You love to be part of the social whirl, and if you can't participate as fully as you would like, you become uncharacteristically edgy. Monday you have to cancel some of your favorite activities due to last-minute...

  • Nice to see a teacher story like this one

    06 April 2007 ( #Pics and Babbling, #School )

    Continuing on the education schtick, a teacher friend, knowing the name of the University (APU/AMU) where I'm chasing the degree and thinking that somehow my association with a "military college" means I want to join up, emailed me this story. Even though...

  • How to secure the Jewish vote

    17 April 2007 ( #'Sconsin stuff, #Current Affairs )

    Republican presidential hopeful Thompson: Money-making part of Jewish tradition - - Israel News Speaking to an audience at the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism in Washington D.C., Thompson said that, "I'm in the private sector and for the first...

  • Setting the Stage: The Republicans First Debate - The Fix

    03 May 2007 ( #'Sconsin stuff, #Current Affairs )

    Setting the Stage: The Republicans First Debate - The Fix Tommy Thompson: Like Huckabee, Thompson remains virtually unknown in national politics but has a compelling story to tell. During his time as governor of Wisconsin -- 1987 to 2001 -- Thompson was...

  • One of the best parents-strike-back posts I've ever read

    14 April 2007 ( #Pics and Babbling, #School )

    I am sitting here laughing almost to the point of tears running down my cheeks at the way these parents handled their teenage son and his best friend after the kids' attempt at an embarassing practical joke on Mom.... Note before reading: Hopefully you...